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a tough time

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Find a mediator

With members located all around the UK you will be able to find a mediator who can help you through this tough time. Click the button below to get started:

How can we help you?

I need a family mediator

Family mediation gives separating couples an opportunity to decide for themselves what to do about their children and finances, with help and guidance from trained and impartial mediators. In family mediation, clients are encouraged to cooperate with one another to negotiate and find their own ways to move forward with their lives.

Becoming a mediator

Family mediation is hugely rewarding work. Challenging, yes – but working with separating couples and their children at their most difficult period provides an opportunity to give them the right guidance and help make separation less painful than it might otherwise be. It is a privilege for which mediators must be fully equipped and fit for the demands of the role.

Mediator resource hub

Our Mediator Resource Hub is your comprehensive support center, designed to provide you with resources to assist you in every aspect of your mediation journey. Whether you’re a seasoned mediator looking to stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices or a newcomer seeking guidance on mediation techniques and conflict resolution strategies, our hub has you covered.

I need a family mediator

Family mediation is a way of helping families to reach agreements about what should happen after separation or divorce. It is an increasingly popular alternative to asking the court to make decisions about family issues.

Every day, family mediation helps couples who are in the process of separating or divorcing to decide what to do about the house, the children, the assets, the debts, and can help everyone in the family to establish new working relationships.

In family mediation, you negotiate face-to-face with your partner about arrangements that need to be made for the future, with the help of one or two neutral third parties – the mediator or mediators.

Look at our Step-By-Step Guide to find out what you have to do next.

Recent Articles

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Upcoming Events, Conferences & Training

The impact of stressful cases on the personal and professional self

September 4, 2024
The course is to help mediators and legal professionals consider the impact of work on their professional and personal selves. Vicarious trauma relate...

Everything your support staff want to and ought to know about mediation

September 6, 2024
The role of mediation support staff: Covering: nature and extent of the role understanding the mediation process Legal Aid and the Voucher Scheme Dea...

WTA Introduction to Family Law – 5 course package 2024 (10am-12noon) Online

September 20, 2024
  This suite of 5 training courses is suited to those working towards accreditation and those who have recently completed their portfolio. FMA h...

Pensions Update

September 23, 2024
Aim is to provide awareness and understanding of: Key points from The Pensions Advisory Group’s Guide to the treatment on pensions on divorce 2nd edi...

Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM) Awareness and Understanding Day

September 24, 2024
This course has been approved by the Family Mediation Council (FMC). There are standards and requirements for Child Inclusive Mediation practice and t...

PPC Update of Theory and Practice

September 26, 2024
Trainer: Beverley Sayers A PPC’s role includes the establishment of a professional relationship with a supervisee, supporting and facilitating the gro...