Mediator Blog

Art in Mediation

Date Posted: September 27, 2023

When I say art in mediation, I am not talking works of great art that might hang in a museum or gallery, but I am thinking of visual representation to assist participants engagement and understanding. Teachers and facilitators are encouraged to think of all the different learning styles – auditory, visual, and
kinetic. Would it assist us as mediators to consider in greater depth the information-gathering styles of our clients?

NLP says that we can pick up clues as to a person primary learning style by the words they use – I see – I hear that – I am doing – I am wondering if as mediators we can gather and take note of this a little more during the MIAM to then use this information to greater effect during sessions?

Mediation by its very nature is auditory heavy. There is a lot of talking that goes on. I often wonder how much of it either of the participants actual hear. I mean hear and take on board. Either what is said by us as mediators or indeed what is being said by the other person in the room. If someone is a visual learner then the amount that they will take in will also be depleted and the same for those who learn by doing. Would engaging more visual imagery into the process slow it down and help with reflection and integration? Creativity even – a vital ingredient in the option generation part of the process. By visual imagery I am think maybe photos, videos and if like me you are able to draw a little some stick men or little scenes that depict maybe what it is like from the childrens perspective to be moving between parental houses when the parents are at war with each other.

At Kids Come First they have created a fabulous booklet full of practical support for separating parents. Made all the more engaging by the cartoon drawings that pack a punch with their messages. So, this little article was just an invitation really an enquiry into how if you so
choose you might incorporate a little art into the process as a way of reaching out to all the visually bias participants as a way of inclusion. A further way to impart the messages and guidance about the damaging effects of parental conflict on children. Or as a way of looking at the equality and need in a
financial matter.

I hope at the very least this has got you thinking a little. Especially in this new world of Zoom meetings where it is possible to share screens and introduce different elements into the process with relative ease.

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