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Helping parents focus on the needs of their children

Date: April 30, 2025
Start Time: 10:00
End Time: 12:00
Trainer/Speaker: Adrienne Cox
Price: Standard rate: £40+ VAT for members | £70 + VAT for non-members

Many, if not most parents we work with in mediation, will be struggling to keep their head above water; struggling to manage their emotions, the practical realities of separation, the grief, the uncertain future ahead. With all of this, it is hardly surprising that tensions run high, conflict is a daily challenge, and it is difficult if not impossible to focus on what their children need from them as parents.

This workshop will share research on the impact of parental conflict on children. We will consider, in both small and large groups, using case studies and exercises, how we can share this information with parents, so that they can consider options from their child’s perspective, rather than from their own. How do we help parents keep the conversation centred on their child’s wellbeing, rather than the parents’ emotions? We will explore different techniques for achieving a child focused dialogue, sharing our own experiences with each other, to reach a best practice model that we feel comfortable with. The workshop will aim to increase the mediator’s confidence in approaching these topics with parents and improving outcomes for children.