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CIM Workshop Making Their Conversation Count

Date: November 11, 2025
Start Time: 10:00
End Time: 12:00
Trainer/Speaker: Adrienne Cox
Price: Standard rate: £40+ VAT for members | £70 + VAT for non-members

Trainer: Adrienne Cox

Whether you meet lots of children as part of the mediation process, just a few or haven’t really got started yet, this is a workshop aimed at increasing your confidence to meet with children.

It will provide a safe space for discussion and reflection about practice; what works well and what doesn’t work so well; and importantly, time to reflect on how we can get the most out of our conversations with children and young people. When they agree to meet with us, they are agreeing to put their hearts on their sleeves.

How can we help them to feel safe and feel able to share their experiences, thoughts, wishes and feelings with us?

I will share recent research with you in this area and share my ‘tips and tricks’ for helping children and young people to have a voice and get the most out of their meeting with us.  The workshop will be made up of small group work for exercises and case study discussion, some presentation, large group discussions and an opportunity for questions.