All complaints now go through the FMC, you can visit their complaints procedure here
One of the FMA’s objectives is to ensure that its mediator members comply with the FMC Code of Practice and the FMA’s own requirements for continuing education. All FMA mediators are bound by the Family Mediation Council Code of Practice, and are supervised by a Professional Practice Consultant (PPC); every FMA mediator member is required to meet regularly with their PPC to discuss best mediation practice.
Sometimes you may feel unhappy with the service that has been provided. If this happens it is important that you inform your mediator or mediation service as soon as you can. It may be possible to address your concerns simply by telephone or letter. However, in some cases you may feel that you need the structure of a formal complaints procedure.
The FMA requires its members to have a written complaints procedure and to make a copy of that procedure available to every client. This is important because you must use your mediator’s own complaints procedure before contacting FMA. If you do not have a copy of the mediator’s complaints procedure, please ask your mediator or service to provide one. In the mediator’s complaints procedure, you should find the contact details of the person you are supposed to contact initially about your complaint.
If after using your mediator‘s complaints procedure you feel that your complaint has not been fully addressed then you may be able to take the matter further by contacting the FMA Board, in writing, at Family Mediators Association, 238 Main Street, Rutherglen, Glasgow, Scotland, tel 01355 244 594.