Training & Development with FMA

Training & Development

The work we do as mediators requires us to keep up to date with family law and continually develop our skills and expertise. As part of your annual renewal with both FMA and FMC, you are required to confirm you have undertaken sufficient continuing professional development (CPD). Training is one of the things we are most proud of at FMA and we very much see it not as CPD box ticking, but an essential part of supporting you as a mediator and the clients you work with.

When renewing their accreditation with the FMC (every 3 years) accredited mediators need to demonstrate they have covered the following six areas in their CPD:

There are additional requirements for PPCs and child inclusive mediators. So, it’s a good idea to keep this in mind and ensure that not only are you getting enough training, but also the right range and quality of training. FMA can help with that. A list of our current courses can be found here. FMA membership offers you access at a discounted price but our training is open to all.

We recommend that core skills and awareness are updated frequently, e.g. Domestic Abuse training, legal updates etc. FMA has access to a wide range of expertise; within our membership and via friends of the FMA. So, if there is something you would like training on but don’t see it being offered here, drop us a line using the form below and we will see if that is a suggestion we can take forward.

Training Suggestions